“Happy Valentines Day”
Har det lydt på alle de sociale medier i dag.
Valentinsdag er ikke lige noget, vi fejrer her i huset. Til gengæld kan vi ikke få nok af KÆRLIGHED!
Så lad det være dagens ord: KÆRLIGHED, KÆRLIGHED, KÆRLIGHED ♥ ♥ ♥
Dette er en af vores super skønne pimpede LP-kasser fra IKEA, som har fået en masse lækker maskingtape.
Vi har fire LP kasser i alt. To pimpet med maskingtape og to med retrotapet.
Kasserne er lavet for to år siden, men bliver flittigt brugt og beundret. Savner du opbevaring til dine LP’er, kan jeg varmt anbefale kassen fra IKEA – hvis den altså stadig kan fås…
Lad KÆRLIGHED være dagens ord ♥
Hvad betyder Valentines Day for dig?
Kærlig hilsen Susanne
Blog post in English – and photos from my Instagram:
Love is the message
“Happy Valentines Day”
Has the message been all over the social medias today.
Valentine’s Day is actually not something that we celebrate here in the house. On the other hand, we can’t get enough of LOVE!
So let it be the word of the day: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE ♥ ♥ ♥
This is one of our pimped LP boxes from IKEA, which is decorated with a lot of delicious maskingtape. (In Danish “KÆRLIGHED” is “LOVE”)
We have four pimped LP boxes. Two with maskingtape and two with retro wallpaper.
The boxes are pimped two years ago, but are still frequently used and admired. Do you need a good storage for your LP’s, I highly recommend the box from IKEA – if it is still available…
Let LOVE be the word of the day ♥
What does Valentine’s Day mean to you?
Lots of love and happiness, Susanne