Som lyn fra en klar himmel…
fik jeg pludselig lyst til at kaste mig ud i et 365 dages projekt.
Jeg har i det seneste år fulgt iHannas collage projekt “365in2013”, og jeg er stor fan af Lisa Congdon, der i 2010 har lavet projektet “A Collection a Day“.
Og da iHanna så skrev dette FANTASTISKE blogindlæg, omkring hendes egne tanker og forberedelser til et 365 dages projekt, næsten samtidig med, at jeg den 23. december i julegave fik den lækreste bog “Decorate workshop“, skrevet af Holly Becker, der bugner af smukke moodboards, ja så fik jeg pludselig den indskydelse at skulle vise 365 moodboards i 2014…
Fra idé til handling: Vip vap vup
Vi taler om tanker, jeg fik natten mellem den 23. og 24. december, hvor jeg lå søvnløs med sommerfugle flyvende rundt i maven efter at have drukket alt for meget kaffe, og hvor jeg var så kæk at involvere tre skønne bloggere i min skøre idé i en sms-storm den samme nat.
Så TUSIND TAK for den feedback og alle tommelfingrene opad, som jeg fik af Lisbet *LLL&Co.*, Signe Nu stopper hesten og Pia Doodlediem. Jeg er SÅ taknemmelig for at kunne sparre med jer – og oven i købet stjæle jeres sparsomme familietid omkring juleaften ♥ ♥ ♥
Signe har givet mig lov til at citere en af hendes sms’er, som på smukkeste vis beskriver mine egne tanker omkring 365 moodboards i 2014:
“… Moodboards er jo ren kreativ skaber energi. En oplagt måde at bruge kreativiteten som guide i livet. Fastholde, sætte fokus på det, man vil. Dit budskab bliver både lækre visuelle udtryk og en måde, hvorpå bloglæseren kan arbejde med sig selv…”
Citat Signe med bloggen Nu stopper hesten

[Moodboard og tanker omkring mit 365 dages projekt – step by step. Lavet af sider revet ud fra gamle magasiner lagt på et bord, bygget langsomt op fra bunden som et “smashup”. Uden brug af lim… Og rodet sammen i én bunke efterfølgende. Liiiiidt grænseoverskridende for mig, at det “kun” er foreviget fotografisk og ikke med en limstift, men det er oftest idéen med et moodboard, at de er flygtige og ikke permanente, og blot skal beskrive en stemning eller en følelse. Lavet for en selv eller for at kunne vise det til andre…]
365 moodboards til gensidig inspiration
Og det er lige præcis Signes ord, der var min tanke… At lave eller vise 365 moodboards, opslagstavler, smashups, stemningsbilleder, collager, farveskalaer, skitser, inspirationstavler (kært barn har mange navne), som både DU og JEG kan inspireres af hen over året.
Og forhåbentlig kommer jeg til at besøge nogle grafiske designere, reklamebureauer, tøjdesignere, stylister, redaktioner, dekoratører, filmarbejdere, kunstnere eller andre, som til dagligt arbejder professionelt med moodboards som led i deres kreative skaberproces.
Lad 2014 blive et SANSEBOMBARDEMENT af inspiration til glæde for os alle sammen ♥
Kærlig hilsen Susanne
Blog post in English – and photos from my Instagram:
Like a bolt from the blue…
I suddenly wanted to challenge myself into a 365-day project.
During the last year I have followed iHannas collage project “365in2014” and I’m a big fan of Lisa Congdon, who made the project “A Collection a Day” in 2010.
And when iHanna wrote this AMAZING blog post about her own thoughts and preparations for a 365-day project, almost at the same time as I got an early Christmas gift – the amazing “Decorate workshop” book written by Holly Becker, filled with beautiful mood boards – then I suddenly got the idea to make 365 mood boards in 2014…
From idea to action
I developed the idea the night between 23 and 24 December, when I could not sleep after having to much coffee – and I immediately involved three lovely bloggers in my crazy idea in a text message storm the same night.
So THANK YOU for the feedback and thumbs up, which I got from af Lisbet *LLL&Co.*, Signe “Nu stopper hesten” and Pia “Doodlediem”. I am so grateful that I was able to spar with you – even around Christmas Eve ♥ ♥ ♥
Signe has given me the permission to quote one of her text messages, which beautifully describes my own thoughts about 365 mood boards in 2014:
“… Mood boards are the purest creative creating energy. An obvious way to use creativity as a guide in life. Maintain, focus on what you want. Your mood board messages will be both visual attractive and a way for your blog readers to work with themselves…”
– – Signe with the blog: Nu stopper hesten

[Mood board and thoughts about my 365-day project – step by step. Made of pages torn from old magazines put together on a table, slowly built up from scratch as a “smashup”. Without the use of glue… And all mixed up and split to pieces afterwards. A bit overwhelming and new to me that it is “only” perpetuated photographic and not with a glue stick, but it’s mostly the idea of a mood board that they are transient and not permanent, and made to describe a mood or a feeling. Made for oneself or for the purpose of showing it to others…]
365 mood boards for mutual inspiration
And Signes beautiful description of a mood board was exactly my intention. To make or show 365 mood boards, bulletin boards, smashups, mood pictures, collages, color schemes, sketches or inspiration boards (you can call it what you want) that can inspire both YOU and ME during the year to come.
And hopefully I will visit some graphic designers, advertising agencies, fashion designers, stylists, magazines, decorators, film workers, artists and others who daily work professionally with mood boards as part of their creative process.
Let 2014 be a year of beautiful inspiration for all of us ♥
Lots of love and happiness, Susanne
Wow, that is one cool challenge, good luck and thanks for mentioning/linking to me! :-)
First I thought you’d create one mood board each day, haha, but I guess you will blog one that you find online? I love for creating visual mood boards online.
Happy new Creative Year!
Thank YOU very much iHanna – so kind of you to visit my blog ♥
Hopefully I will create lots of mood boards this year and show on my blog (+200 i guess) – this is a very big part of my challenge – but I will also visit other creative spirits or companies and take pictures of their moodboards or creative work processes in their studio (if I’m aloud).
I am blessed with the most beautiful creative company each Wednesday evening where I open my home for a “Creative Club” – and I will show pictures of my guests’ creative processes as well.
So it will be a mix up of everything – also boards on Pinterest, pictures from books etc. but mostly my own work (read: photos of mood boards which I plan to do a lot of)…
But I’m aware of and think a lot about my set up – that mood boards mostly are made during a process – and not as a goal in it self – and I am going to make a lot of mood boards as THE goal in it self. That’s why I have chosen to call them a “smashup”…
Happy new Creative Year to you as well ♥
Lots of love, Susanne