Har haft en skøøøøøn aften i selskab med Christine Clemmensen og Pernille Mühlbach til endnu en af deres kreative saloner.
Og efter en køretur til København og retur er jeg SÅ sengeklar, så jeg nøjes med at lægge et par billeder op fra min aften.
Artjournaling var dagens tema. Min artjournal er en stor A4 spiralbog, som indeholder en blanding af collager, notater, smashbook-sider, doodles og malerbog…
Jeg lavede noget, der mindede om et smash – og en enkelt doodle… Havde taget den skønne “To go kreabog” med fra Lena Bjørnskov, og havde opstillet mit eget dogme, at alt, hvad jeg skulle bruge af gear, skulle komme derfra…

[Smash book page in progress – thinking about “What matters the most?”]

[Doodle in progress]
Kærlig hilsen Susanne
Blog post in English – and photos from my Instagram:
Ready to go to a creative art journal salon
Have had a fantastic evening in the company of Christine Clemmensen and Pernille Muhlbach to another one of their creative salons.
And after a drive to Copenhagen and back I am SO ready to go to bed so I just put a few pictures up from my evening (look up in the Danish text).
Artjournaling was the theme of the day. My artjournal is a large A4 spiral notebook, which contains a mixture of collages, notes, smash book pages, doodles and and coloring book pages…
I made something that looked like a smash – and a single doodle… Had taken the beautiful “To go creative treasure book” from Lena Bjørnskov with me, and had set up my own dogma that all I had to use this evening was the gear from that book…
Have really had a wonderful, beautiful evening in the finest company.
Lots of love and happiness, Susanne