Moodboard til hjemmesyet notesbog af papir og scraps
I dag har jeg tilbragt dagen i selskab med mine skønne barndomsveninder… Tøser, som har kendt hinanden i over 30 år!!!
Og da symaskinen stod fremme med neonpink sytråd, var det fristende lige at sy en hyggelig lille gave til dem alle…
En lille notesbog i A6 format til evt. at have med i tasken og skrive hvad som helst ned i… Og med cover valgt i forhold til deres yndlingsfarve… Og pimpet lidt op indvendigt med dots, stickers og stempler.
Så skønt at se nogle af mine mange papirer blive forvandlet til en hyggelig notesbog…
… Og de neonpink sytråde flagrede fortsat, da jeg gav notesbøgerne væk. Det var aldrig gået i min mormors tid, men jeg synes nu, det er lækkert, at det „roder‟ lidt i udtrykket – og der samtidig er lidt for fingrene at pille ved…Kærlig hilsen Susanne
Blog post in English – and photos from my Instagram:
Just a little something in pastel
A home made notebook made by paper and scraps
Today I have spent the day in the company of my beautiful childhood friends… Girls I have known for 30 years!!!
And when the sewing machine still was threaded with neon pink sewing thread, it was tempting to sew a nice little gift to each of them…
A small notebook in A6 format to carry in their bags or where they want to put it. And with cover chosen according to their favorite color… And pimped up inside with dots, stickers and stamps.
So great to see some of my papers in stock being turned into a nice notebook…
… And the neon pink sewing thread was still fluttering, when I gave the notebooks away. It was never an option in my grandmother’s time, but now I think it’s delicious that it has a kind of „messy‟ expression – and something for the fingers to tinker with.Lots of love and happiness, Susanne
Those are so lovely! What a wonderful idea!
Dear Patty
Thank you so much – had a wonderful time making them, and guess it only took me about an hour ;) Love making presents to friends and canalising all my thoughts into this special book for this special person…
Lots of love, Susanne
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