365 moodboards i 2014 til gensidig inspiration
Jeg har lagt 365 moodboards i 2014 – til inspiration for både dig og mig!
Et moodboard kan være mange ting – en opslagstavle, et smashup (hvor man arrangerer en masse ting, eksempelvis på et bord), et stemningsbillede, en collage, en farveskala, en skitse, en inspirationstavle – you name it…
Det var oprindeligt min intention også at skulle besøge grafiske designere, reklamebureauer, tøjdesignere, stylister, redaktioner, dekoratører, filmarbejdere, kunstnere eller andre, som til dagligt arbejder professionelt med moodboards som led i deres kreative skaberproces.
Jeg valgte dog at skifte kurs undervejs og i stedet lægge moodboards dagligt med referencer til mit liv, min kreative rejse.
Alle moodboards er dagligt vist på Instagram. Du finder dem alle her på #365moodboardsin2014
Kærlig hilsen Susanne
365 mood boards in 2014 for mutual inspiration
I have made 365 mood boards in 2014 – for inspiration to both you and me!
A mood board can be many tings – bulletin boards, smashups, mood pictures, collages, color schemes, sketches, pin boards or inspiration boards – you can call it what you want…
Originally it was my plan to visit some graphic designers, advertising agencies, fashion designers, stylists, magazines, decorators, film workers, artists and others who daily work professionally with mood boards as part of their creative process.
But I changed my mind along the journey and chose to only make mood boards referring to my life, my creative journey.
You can see all the 365 mood boards here on #365moodboardsin2014
Lots of love and happiness, Susanne

[Mood board and thoughts about my 365-day project – step by step. Made of pages torn from old magazines put together on a table, slowly built up from scratch as a “smashup”. Without the use of glue… And all mixed up and split to pieces afterwards. A bit overwhelming and new to me that it is “only” perpetuated photographic and not with a glue stick, but it’s mostly the idea of a mood board that they are transient and not permanent, and made to describe a mood or a feeling. Made for oneself or for the purpose of showing it to others…]