Billeder siger ofte mere end ord…: Jeg kommer ikke til at gå ned på kreagrej foreløbigt…!
Hvad der ligger her på bordet på dagens moodboard er “bare” et lille udvalg af, hvad jeg har haft gang i den sidste uges tid, med ugleworkshop, stempelworkshop, doodlerier med mine promarkers i weekenden, afhentning af broderiskat på Amager i søndags med besøg på yndligscafeen Ingolfs kaffebar, cafebesøg med gratis gocards i København i går – og to-tre tasker der lige skulle tømmes for at give mig et overblik…
Udfordringen er så, at jeg lige pt. ikke har så mange andre steder at gøre af tingene – end at lægge det ned i taskerne igen. Vi skal have en ny reol herhjemme, til en del af mit kreagrej, og det glæder jeg mig helt vildt til!!!

[Kreaklub stemning. Flow book for paper lovers og “Mrs Harris ta’r til New York” illustrationer]
Kreaklub her til aften med collager, artjournaling og smash
Har haft besøg af to skønne kvinder her til aften i kreaklubben: Rikke Østerø og Camilla Back Sørensen.
Vi har snakket og hygget, bladret i magasiner, revet sider ud, arbejdet med collager, artjournaling, doodles og smash – det vil sige, jeg ved ikke rigtigt, om min kreation er et smash eller en collage, det må tiden vise…

[Min kreation under aftenens kreaklub. Et smash eller en collage…? Det vil tiden vise…]
Jeg tænker, at hvis jeg stopper her, at har jeg lavet et smash over aftenen, hvis jeg arbejder videre, bliver det måske til en collage til at sætte i glas og ramme…? Vi får se…
Kærlig hilsen Susanne
Blog post in English – and photos from my Instagram:
Glimpses of my creative treasuries
Pictures often say more than words…: I’m not going to go down on creative supplies preliminary…!
What lies here on the table at today’s moodboard (on top of this blog post) is “just” a small selection of what I have been working with during the last week, with owl workshop, stamp workshop, doodling with my Promarkers in the weekend, picking up embroidery treasure on Amager and visiting my favorite cafe Ingolfs coffee shop on Sunday, cafe visit with free gocards in Copenhagen yesterday – and 2-3 handbags being emptied to give me an overview…
The challenge is that I just do not have anywere to store all my treasuries right now – so I guess I just have to put it all down in the bags again. We need a new bookshelf at home, where all my creative supplies can be stored, and I am really looking forward to that!
Creative Gathering tonight with collages, artjournaling and smash
I have had company by two beautiful women here tonight in my creative gathering: Rikke Østerø and Camilla Back Sorensen.
We’ve talked, looked in magazines, torned pages out, worked with collages, artjournaling, doodles and smash – well, I do not know if my creation is a smash or a collage, time will tell…
I stumbled upon some old books from the 60s and 70s in the local thrift store, and therein are a lot of beautiful illustrations – here from “Mrs. Harris is going to New York”.
I think that if I stop here, then I have made a smash of the evening, if I’m working further on, it may become a collage to put behind glass and frame…? We’ll see…
Lots of love and happiness, Susanne