Er ØR af lykke!!! Er begyndt at sy i papir igen, lave notesbøger og stemple med mine hjemmelavede stempler.
Og oven i det hele har jeg haft den DEJLIGSTE kreaklub i det skønneste selskab her til aften…
Pink og grønne overraskelser på vej til Sverige
Dagens moodboard er “noget” til søde @ihannas fra Sverige, som jeg tilbage i januar har lovet at sende en hel masse dots fra Søstrene Grene – sammen med denne overraskelse.
Og for nylig skrev iHanna på sin blog, at hendes yndlingsfarvekombination var pink og grøn, så derfor disse farver… – Som i øvrigt også er mine yndlingsfarver sammen.
Men du skal også have billeder fra aftenens kreaklub, af det skønne bord, af min egen stempelfest og de fantastiske gaver fra de dejlige kreaklub gæster.

[Kreaklub – creating together – such a lovely table]

[Stempelfest – stamping with all my handcarved stamps]

[Fantastiske gaver fra deltagerne i kreaklubben – wonderful presents from my lovely guests from tonight’s Creative Gathering]
Heldige mig ♥
Kærlig hilsen Susanne
PS. Alle billederne er indtil videre fra min Instagram, indtil de oprindelige billeder liiiige er blevet redigeret…
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Blog post in English – and photos from my Instagram:

Something pink and green in the making
I am SO happy! Have started to sew in paper again, making notebooks and stamping with my homemade stamps.
And on top of it all, I have had the most BEAUTIFUL Creative Gathering with the most wonderful company this evening…
Pink and green surprises on the way to Sweden
Today’s moodboard is “something” to sweet @ihannas from Sweden that I’m back in January have promised to send a whole bunch of dots stickers in mutual colors – along with this surprise.
And recently iHanna wrote on her blog that her favorite color combination was pink and green, so therefore these colors… Which by the way are my favorite color combination too.
But you have photos from tonight’s Creative Gathering, of the beautiful table, my own stamp party and the amazing gifts from the wonderful creative guests.
Lucky me ♥
Lots of love and happiness, Susanne
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