Tag-arkiv: Moodboard

Welcome Back Colour

365 moodboards in 2014. Moodboard #123: Welcome Back Colour. Tina Dickow koncert. Fotograf: Susanne Randers

Er titlen på Tina Dickows album fra 2010… Jeg har altid været en kæmpe fan af Tina Dickow – og har mange af hendes melankolske, triste, længselsfulde sange dybt inde under huden…

“Welcome Back Colour” markerede et skift for Tina Dickows musik. Hun var flyttet fra Londons ensomhed tilbage til København sommeren 2010 (heraf sangen “Copenhagen”) – og jeg mindes et interview med hende, hvor hun talte om, at hun måske ville blive for “lykkelig” og glad af at leve i Danmark, at hun oprigtigt var bekymret for, om hun stadig kunne skabe den samme musik, i og med hun var flyttet.

Velkommen nye liv

Jeg tog flytningen – og de nye, mere glade numre, som et kærkomment tegn på forandring, på udvikling – og det er vel okay at vi som mennesker flytter os, selvom vores omgivelser ofte fastholder os i den rolle, vi altid har haft.

Sidste forår var jeg selv igennem mit livs største transformationsproces. Et farvel til trygt, fast arbejde bag computerskærmen, og et goddag til en mere kreativ, farverig, reflekteret og bevidst livsstil.

365 moodboards in 2014. Moodboard #123: Welcome Back Colour. Tina Dickow koncert og matchende farverig neglelak. Fotograf: Susanne Randers

[Farverig neglelak i dagens anledning, som passer til Tina Dickows cover på “Welcome Back Colour”]

Og derfor glæder jeg mig helt vildt til, at jeg i aften skal til koncert med Tina Dickow – og høre musik fra før og nu – og forhåbentligt gennemleve en masse fantastiske stunder i mit liv, gennem Tina Dickows soundtrack.

Hvad med dig? Betyder Tina Dickow noget for dig…?

Se her, hvilke kunstnere og sange, der ellers er på mit livs soundtrack…

Kærlig hilsen Susanne

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Blog post in English – and photos from my Instagram:

365 mood boards in 2014. Mood board #123: Welcome Back Colour. Instagram filter Valencia. Photographer: Susanne Randers

“Welcome Back Colour”

Is the title of the Danish sing and songwriter Tina Dickow’s album from 2010… I’ve always been a huge fan of Tina Dico – and have many of her melancholy, sad, wistful songs deep under my skin…

“Welcome Back Colour” marked a shift for Tina Dickow’s music. She had moved from London loneliness back to Copenhagen the summer of 2010 – and I remember an interview with her, ​​where she talked about that she might was going to be too “happy ” and fond of living in Denmark, that she truly was concerned if she could still create the same music after she had moved.

Welcome new life

I took the move – and the new, more upbeat, positive tracks, as a welcome sign of change, of development – and it is surely right that we as people move us even though our surroundings often maintain us in the role we have always had.

Last spring I went through my life’s greatest transformation process. A farewell to steady work behind the computer, and a hello to a more creative, colorful, reflective and conscious lifestyle.

365 mood boards in 2014. Mood board #123: Welcome Back Colour. Matching colorful nailpolish. Instagram filter Valencia. Photographer: Susanne Randers

[Colorful nail polish on my nails today that matches Tina Dickow cover of ” Welcome Back Colour”]

And that’s why I’m SO glad, that I’m going to a concert tonight with Tina Dickow – and hear music from the past and present – and hopefully feel a lot of amazing moments in my life, through Tina Dickow soundtrack.

Look here to see which songs and artists who are on my life’s soundtrack (in Danish)

Lots of love and happiness, Susanne

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Bytte bytte købmand – aldrig bytte om igen ¦ Magnificent swap loaded with goodies

365 moodboards in 2014. Moodboard #122: Bytte bytte købmand - aldrig bytte om igen - fra @olineart. Fotograf: Susanne Randers

WAUW for en smuk overraskelsespakke, jeg fik lov til at åbne i dag fra skønneste Dorthe Thorup alias @olineart.

I påsken havde jeg sendt hende en stak af mine muffinsforme som led i en bytte bytte købmand aftale på tværs af Instagram – men da jeg har overload af muffinsforme, havde jeg ikke selv brug for at få muffinsforme sendt hjem til mig.

Og i stedet fik jeg denne herlige pakke med “Turkis lir” og en af Dorthes skønneste påskeharer – iført et skørt af en muffinsform, smukke doodles, en PINK (!) mobiltelefon, dots, glitter og det mest finurlige ansigtsudtryk.


Jeg er VILD med hver en lille dims, Dorthe har sendt til mig. Det er SÅ fantastisk! Heldige mig!

Vil du se flere af olinearts smukke påskeharer eller andet flot, farverigt lir, så tjek bloggen her!

Ønsker dig den smukkeste weekend!

Kærlig hilsen Susanne

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Blog post in English – and a photo from my Instagram:

365 mood boards in 2014. Mood board #122: Magnificent swap loaded with goodies. From @olineart. Instagram filter Valencia. Photographer: Susanne Randers

Magnificent swap loaded with goodies

WAUW for a beautiful surprise package, I was allowed to open today from lovely Dorthe Thorup aka @olineart.

At Easter I had sent her a stack of my cup cake forms as part of a swap agreement across Instagram – but since I have overload of cup cake forms, I did not need any forms myself as part of the swap.

And instead I got this gorgeous package with “Turquoise bling” and one of Dorthe’s most beautiful, sweet Easter bunnies – wearing a skirt from a muffin form, beautiful doodles, a PINK (!) mobile phone, dots, glitter and the most whimsical facial expression.


I am CRAZY about every gadget and bling bling, Dorthe has sent to me. It is SO great! Lucky me!

If you want to see more of olinearts beautiful Easter bunnies or other neat, colorful bling, check out her blog here! (in Danish)

Wishing you the most beautiful weekend!

Lots of love and happiness, Susanne

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Smuk kreativ pakkepost ¦ Beautiful creative pen pal package

365 moodboards in 2014. Moodboard #121: Smuk kreativ pakkepost. Fra @camillaflarup. Fotograf: Susanne Randers

Hver dag er efterhånden en fryd, når postkassen tømmes herhjemme. Jeg er SÅ helt vildt taknemmelig for al den smukke post, som lander i mine hænder i disse dage…

Tænker nogle gange på Grethe Sønck, som hvert år skrev omkring 500 julekort – og er SÅ glad for, at nogle skønne kvinder via Instagram har genoplivet traditionerne med at sende gode gammeldags breve, så det ikke kun er kedelige kuverter, som ligger i postkassen.


I dag fik jeg fingrene i det smukkeste brev fra Camilla Flarup – som led i legen #kreativpakkepost – en pakkeleg på initiativ af by_lipsius, som jeg selv er håbløs bagud med at sende breve i… Men jeg kommer snart efter det :)

I kuverten var fine postkort fra Søstrene Grene, og de smukkeste tags, klistermærker, læderlapper, øreringe samt den fine halskæde på billedet.

Og halskæden og postkortene passede bare så SMUKT til de flotte, sarte roser, jeg i går fik fuldstændig impulsivt af den dejligste dame, Lis, på gågaden i Køge…

Sammen med de smukkeste citater på postkortene, er det virkelig et moodboard, der taler til mit hjerte ♥ ♥ ♥

  • Be the kind of person you want to meet
  • Fly away with me
  • The sky is the limit

Mums, siger jeg bare! Opstillet ja, men det bliver det ikke mindre lækkert af. Totally eyecandy, hvis du spørger mig.

Kærlig hilsen Susanne
PS. Vinderen af min give away er fundet ved hjælp af min familie. Vinderen, Camilla Bertram, har en profil på Instagram – blandt andet med disse skønne, kreative, blomstrende, hyggelige billeder…

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Blog post in English – and a photo from my Instagram:

365 mood boards in 2014. Mood board #121: Beautiful creative pen pal package. From @camillaflarup. Instagram filter Valencia. Photographer: Susanne Randers

Beautiful creative pen pal package

Every day is like an adventure when emptying the mailbox at home. I am so grateful for all the beautiful packages that show up in my life these days…

Thinking sometimes about a Danish actor, Grethe Sønck, who wrote about 500 Christmas cards each year – and am SO pleased that lots of beautiful women via Instagram has revived the tradition of sending good old-fashioned letters, so it is not only boring envelopes, which lies in the mailbox.

#kreativpakkepost [creative parcels]

Today I recieved the most beautiful letter from Camilla Flarup – in the context of “creative parcels” swap – as I am hopelessly behind in sending letters in… But I will hopefully be mailing again soon :)

In the envelope was fine postcards from Søstrene Grene, and the most beautiful tags, stickers, leather patches, earrings and the delicate necklace in the picture.

And the necklace and postcards fit so BEAUTIFUL for the fine, delicate roses, I got yesterday completely impulsively of the loveliest lady, Lis, in the pedestrian road in Køge…

Along with the beautiful quotes on the postcards, it really is a mood board that speaks to my heart ♥ ♥ ♥

  • Be the kind of person you want to meet
  • Fly away with me
  • The sky is the limit

Yummy, I simply say! A totally set-up moodboard, yes, but it is totally eyecandy, in my opinion.

Lots of love and happiness, Susanne

PS. The winner of my give away is found with help from my family. The winner, Camilla Bertram, has a profile on Instagram – particularly with these wonderful, creative, prosperous, pleasant images…

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