Ganesh i det smukkeste selskab ¦ God Ganesha in beautiful company

365 moodboards i 2014. Moodboard #101: Ganesh i det smukkeste selskab. Smashup. Fotograf: Susanne Randers

Har fået den mest vidunderlige gave med posten i dag – fyldt med kærlighed og solskin.

En helt og aldeles overraskende gave fra sødeste pernillesmile, som for nyligt sendte mig den skønneste kreaskat – men som åbenbart synes, at jeg skulle have lidt mere…

Og sikken kuvert at åbne – fyldt med det smukkeste papir og illustrationer fra gamle danske bøger, som jeg oven i købet ikke engang har set før…

Ganesh som prikken over i’et ♥ ♥ ♥

Og Ganesh… Guden med elefanthovedet, som er kendt for at “overvinde alle forhindringer”.

Ganesh er visdommens, intelligensens og undervisningens gud – og han er den, af alle hinduistiske guder, jeg holder aller mest af – og som sammen med Lakshmi kom til mig på et “Bright Future” gudindekort tilbage i september

365 moodboards i 2014. Moodboard #101: Ganesh i det smukkeste selskab. Close up. Smashup. Fotograf: Susanne Randers

[Den hinduistiske gud Ganesh – i smukke gule omgivelser]


“Kære Pernille

Du ved, hvor meget Ganesh betyder for mig – og jeg er helt vildt dybt taknemmelig for det smukke, store glansbillede, du har sendt til mig sammen med det lækreste papir med de smukkeste illustrationer.

Glæder mig til at finde de helt rette omgivelser til ham i mit krearum.

Af hele mit hjerte: TAK ♥

Namaste – Fra det guddommelige inde i mig til det guddommelige i dig…”

Kærlig hilsen Susanne

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Blog post in English – and a photo from my Instagram:

365 mood boards in 2014. Mood board #101: God Ganesha in beautiful company. Smashup. Instagram filter Valencia. Photographer: Susanne Randers

God Ganesha in beautiful company

Have got the most wonderful gift in the mail box today – filled with love and sunshine.

An absolutely astonishing gift from the sweetest pernillesmile, who recently sent me the most beautiful creative treasure – but who apparently think I should have a little more…

And what an envelope to open – filled with the most beautiful paper and illustrations from old Danish books that I have not even seen before …

Ganesha as icing on the cake ♥ ♥ ♥

And Ganesha… The God with the elephant head, which is known to “overcome all obstacles.”

Ganesha is the God of wisdom, intelligence and teaching – and he is the one of all the Hindu gods, I love the most – who along with Lakshmi came to me on a “Bright Future” goddess card back in September…

365 mood boards in 2014. Mood board #101: God Ganesha in beautiful company. Close up. Smashup. Instagram filter Valencia. Photographer: Susanne Randers

[The Hindu god Ganesha – in the most beautiful yellow surroundings]


“Dear Pernille,

You know how much Ganesha means to me – and I’m deeply grateful for the beautiful, large picture of him that you sent to me along with the loveliest paper with the most beautiful illustrations.

Looking forward to find the right place for him in my studio.

From the bottom of my heart: THANK YOU ♥

Namaste – From the divine within me to the divine in you…”

Lots of love and happiness, Susanne

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